JBSR undertook wall tie, crack stitching and movement detail works utilising the Helifix range of products to a number of medium and large residential dwellings
Location: Little Casterton Road, Stamford, PE9 1BE
JBSR had early involvement with this project following a request from Helifix technical for early contractor involvement. As such JBSR actively assisted the engineer and Helifix in agreeing a suitable scheme of works to facilitate the remedial repair of 11 nr residential dwellings of varying sizes.
The scope of the works for this project were as follows:
- Enabling works to facilitate access to all works areas to include removal and reinstatement of garden fixtures, fencing and the like.
- Installation of Helifix Helibar and Helibeam products inline with the standard repair details
- Installation of Helifix movement joint details
- Isolated repointing works
- Installation of rainwater goods to conceal the location of the movement joints