JBSR undertook structural concrete repairs within an active culvert waterway below the M1 on the outskirt of Milton Keynes
Location: M1 Culvert (Milton Keynes)
This scheme encompassed many of our skills in the fields of concrete repair coupled with the full liaison with damming specialists and highway agency officials. Having a key input on the approach and extent of the required concrete breakout direct below the live carriageways of the M1 motorway, JBSR successfully accessed the culvert soffits and walls to breakout and repair the concrete structure whilst protecting the watercourse from ingress of materials and debris.
The scope of this project consisted of:
- Provision of mobile access equipment
- High-pressure jet wash cleaning to all concrete elements to enable the subsequent conditional survey.
- Visual and hammer tap survey to both the concrete wall and soffit structures
- Provision of tenting and debris collection sheeting to avoid contamination of the watercourse.
- Break out of all defective concrete elements ensuring over breaking was avoided to the slim soffit structure directly below the M1 motorway
- Preparation and priming of the in-situ steelwork reinforcement
- Completion of the concrete repairs as required restoring structural integrity of the bridge structure