JBSR undertook specialist cleaning and restorative repair works to this listed dock gate in Woolwich dock yard, London
Location: Boneta Rd, London, SE18
JBSR successfully undertook the remedial repair and protection of this listed structure adjacent to a busy arterial road in south London on behalf of the Royal London Borough of Greenwich.
Due to the busy nature of the road and need for continual access through the gateway, JBSR operatives were continually managing the works to ensure no detrimental effect to the dock area or backlog affecting the arterial routes flow.
The scope of works for this project were as follows:
- Full liaison with council officials to ensure all planned works were to the full approval of the planning department
- Segregation of the works area to include pedestrian diversion routes, signage and management
- Full conditional survey of the stone structure to identify all defective areas
- Break out of all defective areas of stonework in preparation of specialist stone repairs
- The undertaking of the stonework repairs utilising specialist colour match stone repair mortars, with all repairs undertaken to match existing line levels and profiles.
- Application of specialist colour matched render coating to areas of degraded surface inclusive of hand detail installation, mortar joints and the like
- Application of siloxane impregnation waterproofing coating to add a clear protective coating to the stone against the affects of future water ingress.