JBSR undertook extensive filler joist and associated concrete repairs to this occupied and fully functioning museum
Location: 100 London Rd, London
This project comprised internal concrete repair and protection works to one of the main halls in the museum building. Due to the requirement of the museum, the hall remained in operation as a thoroughfare for staff and guests alike requiring extensive segregation and protection of both the public and exhibits alike.
The internal refurbishment works on this project comprised of the following:
- Protection of the works area and segregation to include protection of adjacent exhibits and members of the public
- Provision of suitable flooring protection and the subsequent installation of fixed scaffolding to provide access to the soffit areas to be repaired.
- Surface preparation by a combination of mechanical and hand preparation to remove all surface coverings to enable the subsequent conditional survey and repairs
- Full visual and hammer tap survey's to identify any in-situ defects in the filler joist concrete construction soffit
- Breakout procedures to remove in-situ defects, to include repair of the in-situ filler joists and preparation of the works area to receive the subsequent repairs
- Concrete repairs utilising proprietary repair mortars
- Full clean and reinstatement of the works area to enable the full handover of the hall area to the museum.