JBSR undertook structural repair and protection works to this Grade II listed building, designed by Berthold Lubetkin.
Location: London, WC1V
History of the structure
Bevin Court is one of several modernist housing projects in London designed in the immediate post-war period by the Tecton architecture practice, led by Berthold Lubetkin. Following the dissolution of Tecton, the project was realised by Lubetkin, Francis Skinner and Douglas Bailey. The project was completed in 1954.
Project Specifics
Bevin court was the signature property of a larger scheme of works in the local area seeing JBSR undertaking structural repair and protection works to Bevin court and 6 buildings of varying sizes and design. With all of the structures being occupied residential dwellings JBSR ensured all operatives were fully inducted and and appraised of our company expectations when working in close proximity to the publics dwellings. Through continual liasion with the client and residents JBSR successfully completed the scheme of works to all of the properties inline with the project programme and budgetary constraints.
The scheme of works for this project included:
- Surface preparation utilising high-pressure water jet cleaning to all concrete areas to facilitate the subsequant visual and hammer tap survey
- Full conditional survey to identify any in-situ defects in concrete and masonry substrates.
- Breakout procedures to remove in-situ defects, to include preparation of the works area to receive the subsequent repair
- Concrete repairs utilising specialist lightweight polymer modified repair mortars
- Brickwork repair, replacement and repointing works to ensure the weathertightness of the masonry external facade.
- Application of Margel migratory corrosion inhibitors (MCI's) to arrest the effects of any active or future corrosion to in-situ steel reinforcement within the concrete elements
- Application of fairing/leveling coat affording additional protection to concrete elements.
- Application of specialist elastomeric anti-carbonation protective coatings.
- Selective groundworks and soft landscaping